HTML5 is ready for primetime, says W3C

Steve Jobs famously put his weight behind HTML5 as the successor to Flash, and declared war on the latter saying "we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the web should be open" in regards to Adobe's proprietary standard. Although support for HTML5 is available in most web browsers and operating systems, the standard itself had been considered incomplete - until today.

Now the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has published a recommendation of HTML5 which means it is...

Firefox OS 2.0 wants to set iOS and Android ablaze

Everyone loves an underdog, but when it comes to your mobile OS unless you want to spend your days looking at the competitions’ full app stores – your choice comes between iOS, Android, and the fast-rising Windows Phone

Mozilla launched the first iteration of their plucky Firefox OS last year to little fanfare and a fair bit of confusion from consumers. Why was a web browser launching an OS? What can it do different from current beloved platforms?

The answer lies...

Chromecast and Android TV: Is there a world where both co-exist?

Google’s last play into the television market was the aptly-named, Google TV. Remember it? Not many will because it wasn’t what you could call a runaway success. Such a failure in fact that it was pulled completely and brushed under the rug.

But the company isn’t ready to give up the living room to Apple, Microsoft, Roku, or the many other companies vying to take over the biggest screen in our homes – and understandably so.

First up is Chromecast....

“Project Siena” lets you program, without programming

Whilst Windows 8’s latest iteration is finally catching up to Vista; applications built specifically for its “Modern UI” are still sparse – despite recent heavyweights including Facebook, Flipboard, and Foursquare all jumping on board.

To help alleviate this problem, and get non-programmers building basic applications in minutes, Microsoft has released “Project Siena” to the Windows Store.

Siena’s release will primarily empower...

Ever wanted to mirror Android apps on a huge touchscreen?

Google’s “Open Project” allows you to sling your Android screen onto a connected touchscreen, simply, and easily.

You may be thinking this somewhat mimics the functionality offered by the (awesome) Chromecast; only instead trying to create an industry standard without another device.

To get started is easy; run the webpage on the computer attached to your screen; scan the QR code on your smartphone; then all your content is ready on the display for your...

Advantages of CMS development platforms like WordPress and Joomla

Today's internet has become the target of business owners searching to promote their products and services around the world.

The development of appealing business websites is a cost effective strategy for online marketing and is being adopted by many business professionals today, in order to reach out to maximum audience in the world; more precisely, online users.

Therefore, in order to have a strong, competitive online presence, businesses are striving to develop...

Google, Microsoft – why can’t you just be friends?

Once again, Microsoft’s YouTube app for Windows Phone has been blocked – but I’m sure you’re aware of that by now.

The real question is why can’t the two giants play nicely? After all, their strategies are very different, and the only people they’re harming is their users.

First let’s take a look at the individual approaches both businesses take.

Google pushes its open policy - after all - the company benefits from having its...

UK’s lead mobile development firm launches The Responsive Website Company

Your favourite publication may not be responsive yet – watch this space - but the inevitability is any website worth their two cents will be utilising responsive designs over the next few years.

Clifton-based The Responsive Website Company is priming itself to be at the forefront of development.

TRW is a sister company of mobile development firm Mubaloo. As the UK’s leader of this field; the company has already proven its worth.

Featuring clients including...

Google graces Chrome 29 with WebRTC, releases Maps SDK 1.4 for iOS

Google, will you guys take a day off already?  The web services company has released updates to a couple of its products containing some fairly significant, potentially game-changing additions.

First up is the much-loved Chrome browser, now at version 29.

As of recently, the desktop release of the browser started sharing the same version as its “Chrome Beta” mobile counterpart found on Android.

Whilst still keeping some device-specific features, much...

Got an awesome startup? Register for “Million Pound Startup”

The Million Pound Startup is an international competition for all the entrepreneurs out there (of any industry) who can register for free – instantly promoting your business or idea – and be in for the running of winning a million pounds.

Worth a go, surely?


Whilst usually these kinds of contests head straight to my delete folder, the backing of some high-profile names took my intrigue. Opening the website presented a very visual look at all the...