Comments on: Developer shortage remains the top challenge two years in a row Gaming, Apps, HTML5, Java, PHP, C#, .net, IOT Thu, 20 Apr 2023 17:31:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael J Thu, 20 Apr 2023 17:31:13 +0000 If you want to hire top-quality developers, then please pay top dollar for that developer. You can’t afford it? Then quit claiming there is a shortage. Is there a shortage of Bentley or a Ferrari cars? No, because most people can’t afford it. The average Google developer salary is at $13,000 PER MONTH. Can your company pay anything close to that? No? Then please answer me why you deserve the top quality engineer or skilled developer? With what money are you going to buy their services?

What you need to do is to start hire Junior developers right out of school and train them at your company and keep increasing their salary so they don’t leave for a better one they want to work for. You know, something called INVEST in your business. But you’re never gonna do that. That’s too expensive and uncertain for you, because all of you “employers” are just a bunch of scam artists that will never tell the truth about how you manage your economics of your company and what you actually can and cannot afford. Thousands of people have wasted years on IT education and can’t find a job right now because you’re saying they don’t have the experience(where are they supposed to get it?), but tricking them into taking an education with your “shortage of developers” myth, that’s something you will never admit any wrong doing in. Companies lying like this should be a criminal charge. Quit ruin peoples lives.

By: Joel Arpin Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:04:35 +0000 The shortage isn’t for lack of skilled labor, it’s for lack of wages.
The supply and demand is exact. There’s exactly the right amount of labor being supplied that capital demands.
Artificially supplying more labor will cause a drop in wages.
You want more Software engineers to enter the work force, increase salaries.
