Weeby places game development into the cloud – offers HTML5 to escape App Store

(Image Credit: Gameloft)

Based in Google's home city of Mountain View, the Weeby team hope to be as disruptive to mobile game development as Google has been for the web. In fact, both Weeby and Google have something in common – a love for the cloud. 

Weeby is building the first complete mobile game development suite based in the cloud. The current suite consists of a cloud-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) along with seamless integration with servers...

Alliance for Open Media will deliver next-generation media formats

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/sd619)

The web is based on a collection of standards which even Apple knows must be open in order to thrive. Several high-profile technology companies have formed a new alliance to create the next-generation of media streaming formats. 

Heavyweights including Netflix, Google, Amazon, Intel, Mozilla, Cisco, Microsoft, and more have partnered for the 'Alliance for Open Media' which hopes to deal with the challenge of meeting high consumer...

Mozilla Webmaker addresses local content shortage

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/Gawrav Sinha)

The web is vast, but it doesn't yet represent everyone. Mozilla is on a mission to change this underrepresentation of some communities with the launch of their 'Webmaker' tool which aims to address "the lack of local content in mobile-first markets." 

Developed after extensive research (PDF) into how people use technology in emerging smartphone markets such as Bangladesh, Kenya, and India, Mozilla found that people...

Opinion: Why the “Native vs. Web” contest doesn’t really exist

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/BartekSzewczyk)

Web developers have suffered from debilitating cases of “app envy” by believing that GUI components traditionally used on native platforms represent the ideal, when instead they ought to be secure in the strengths of the web platform whilst honestly facing the challenges.

The truth is that “native vs. web” is a false dichotomy - the correct path to take for development is always dependent on the circumstances....

Respoke PaaS adds scalable WebRTC to your apps

(Image Credit: Respoke)

Digium, a firm which specialises in telephony software, has announced the launch of its 'Respoke' platform which enables developers to add WebRTC to their applications. The PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) began as a virtual startup within the company, but has now been released for anyone to add powerful communication features.

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a specification drafted by the W3C to allow direct...

Ubuntus first smartphone takes on Windows Phone

Ubuntu, the world's most popular Linux distro, is bringing its open-source expertise to mobile with the launch of its first smartphone. The device will be hitting the European market next week as the 'Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition' for €169.90, and is manufactured by Spain-based BQ.

Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, attempted to break the smartphone market once before with the 'Ubuntu Edge' but failed its $32 million crowdfunding campaign. At...

As HTML5 grows, security risks become a bigger issue


As the combination of JavaScript and HTML5 become the defacto software standard for building websites, enterprise-ready solutions or mobile applications, it’s surprising to discover that 99% of the code used and delivered as production-ready code is literally open, and running naked through the woods.

The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), as of October 2014 officially approved HTML5 as a complete industry standard. But the adoption process...

Asana shifts from HTML5 to a native Android app

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/stevanovicigor)

This month on DeveloperTech, we are releasing a series of articles which compares web development to native from a variety of different angles and will wrap-up with a nice insight report on the topic. Yesterday, for example, we posted an article which focuses on helping you to decide whether a client is better with a responsive web app or a native client.

Since going native on Android, Asana has switched...

Microsoft aims for Chrome extension support in Spartan

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/DianaHirsch)

A successor to Internet Explorer is on the horizon, and it has been drumming-up quite a bit of interest over the past few months. 'Spartan' is said to debut alongside Windows 10's consumer-focused event tomorrow, but we've heard some intriguing reports as to what to expect from Microsoft's new web browser...

Google's Chrome is the most widely-used browser in the world, and as such features thousands of extensions created by...

Responsive Web & Mobile Apps: How to approach your digital roadmap

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/tumdee)

The details of a company's digital roadmap can seem daunting; what to do, and when to do it can seem like a never ending list of possibilities, but really all it comes down to is what do the customers need and what does the business need?

Answering these questions within the context of "now, next and later" helps to demystify the roadmap no matter how large the organisation or ambitious the startup.

If you’re...