Why software developers are the unsung heroes

To say everybody faced challenges during the pandemic would be an understatement, and software developers were no different. Not only did development teams have to ensure they could fulfil their duties remotely with minimal disruption, but the mass shift to online services caused by national lockdowns had developers working at full capacity.

This raises the question: how attuned is the C-suite to the plight of developers? And just how instrumental have development teams been to...

83% of developers suffer from burnout and pandemic made it worse


83% of software developers feel burnout from their work and 81% reported an increase in burnout as a result of the pandemic, according to a new study from Haystack Analytics.

The analytics firm has published its findings in a report designed to further understand the impact COVID-19’s disruption has had on developers.

Of those 83%, top reasons cited for burnout included 47% believing they had a high workload, 31% feeling processes in place at their companies are...

State of the Octoverse 2020: Devs increase productivity despite pandemic

GitHub’s latest State of the Octoverse has been released, offering developer insights for a year which has been unlike any other.

Fortunately, software development is one industry which could adapt quickly to the unique circumstances brought about by the pandemic. Many developers already work remotely so, for some, minimal-to-no changes were required to their working habits during lockdowns.

56 million developers used GitHub in 2020—making over 1.9 billion...

State of the API 2020: Investments remain strong despite challenges

Postman’s State of the API report for 2020 suggests that investments have remained strong despite the challenging economic climate.

The report is the most comprehensive survey of the API industry—surveying a total of 13,586 developers, testers, executives, and others.

Abhinav Asthana, Co-founder and CEO of Postman, says:

“Our annual survey reveals that the API ecosystem is expanding, investments are flowing, and momentum for an API-first philosophy is...

Samsung officially cancels its 2020 developer conference

Samsung has been forced to cancel its developer conference, predominantly because of that COVID-19 thing.

“Please be advised, the Samsung Developer Conference in 2020 has been cancelled. We are disappointed that we will not be hosting the event this year and getting the chance to interact directly with you,” Samsung announced today.

“Our top priority is the health and safety of our employees, the developer community, partners, and local communities and in making...

Study suggests contact-tracing apps will grow 15% per year

A new study suggests that contact-tracing apps will be among the fastest-growing new categories in the coming years.

Contact-tracing apps should help to provide a return to some degree of normalcy, in a year that's been anything but normal.

While many believe such apps are a new concept that’s emerged in the wake of COVID-19, a contact-tracing app was first developed for the Ebola outbreak in the Congo by the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network in collaboration...